Ammonia and carbamide transshipment terminal in the port of Taman
In turn, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has included the cargo flows of the ORENBURG MINING AND CHEMICAL COMPANY transshipment complex in the scheme for the development of the Taman transport hub in terms of the railway component.
It is also included in the territorial planning scheme of the Russian Federation in the field of federal transport and the Roadmap for the Development of seaports in the Azov-Black Sea basin until 2020, approved by Government resolutions of the Russian Federation.
territorial planning
state program
The construction project of the Taman dry cargo port is being implemented within the framework of the state program "Development of the Russian Transport System (2010-2021)".
resumption of work
After a prolonged conservation of the project for reasons beyond the control of the company, in 2025, LLC ORENBURG MINING AND CHEMICAL COMPANY plans to resume work on the construction of the complex.
building a strategic facility
Ammonia and carbamide transshipment terminal in the port of Taman:
- In order to ensure uninterrupted supply of chemical products, our company has been building a strategic facility since 2021 – a terminal for transshipment of potash and nitrogen fertilizers in the seaport of Taman in the Temryuk district (Krasnodar Territory).
Currently, Orenburg Fertilizers has two carbamide production units with a capacity of 480 thousand tons per year each.
The third carbamide unit
In 2025, it is planned to build a third unit with a capacity of 2,200 tons per day, which will increase the existing production capacity of the carbamide plant by more than 70%.
2200 tons per day
The project budget is more than 25 billion rubles. The financing will be carried out at their own expense and by attracting financing.
The third carbamide unit